Declaration of impartiality
The mission of G-CERTI is to provide certification and other relevant services in accordance with the followings:
- Impartiality
- Integrity of the certification
- Fair and independent decision-making system
- Competence
- Objectivity
- Certification results that stakeholders can trust
- Confidentiality
Top management ensures that actual and potential conflicts of interest are effectively managed to protect impartiality and independence.
In order to achieve the impartiality, all members of G-CERTI involved commits to understand the importance of impartiality, to manage conflicts of interest and to providing services that ensure the objectivity of certification.
G-CERTI commits to provide and maintain a high quality, professional, impartial and cost-effective service that meets all relevant standards, specifications and other applicable requirements as required by accreditation bodies.
G-CERTI manages conflicts of interest and potential conflicts of interest, and ensures the independence and impartiality of those involved in the services.
Actual/potential conflicts of interest shall be communicated to customers in a timely manner and shall not affect any activities related to verification/certification.
The company’s management commits to provide all the necessary resources, to support those whom involved and to get involved in the efficient operation and continuous improvement of the company’s management system.
G-CERTI staffs and other stakeholders commit to understand this policy, to adhere to the principles and documented requirements, and to maintain ongoing competence.
G-CERTI commits to promote gender equity and avoid all forms of discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, difference of ability, age, class, caste, or religious or ethnic affiliation in all its activities.
G-CERTI Co., Ltd. CEO Inkwon, Choi